Rich Lowry Writes About the President Who Was a Russian Stooge

Rich Lowry Writes About the President Who Was a Russian Stooge

- in Features, News and Opinion
@Sara Noble

An article by Rich Lowry at the NY Post is a must-read. Lowry makes you think he’s talking about Donald Trump as a Russian stooge though the title gives it away.

The article begins, “The circumstantial evidence is mounting that the Kremlin succeeded in infiltrating the US government at the highest levels.”

It goes on to say, “How else to explain a newly elected president looking the other way after an act of Russian aggression? Agreeing to a farcically one-sided nuclear deal? Mercilessly mocking the idea that Russia represents our foremost geo-political foe? Accommodating the illicit nuclear ambitions of a Russian ally? Welcoming a Russian foothold in the Middle East? Refusing to provide arms to a sovereign country invaded by Russia? Diminishing our defenses and pursuing a Moscow-friendly policy of hostility to fossil fuels?”

He’s talking about Barack Obama, Putin’s stooge[…]

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