Anyone who has passed by this way before, knows I am a big fan of former NSA master mind, William Binney. What has been revealed this week was foretold by him years ago. After all, he was the creator of the mass surveillance program. At the end of ...
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“Information Clearing House” serves as Advisers to President Donald Trump as he picks his agency staff and they are urging President Trump to purge the government of the former president’s appointees who are behind a number of damaging leaked stories. The situation isn’t that simple. There are only ...
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Obama holdover, Lori Scialabba, Acting Director at the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and open border who last month defied President Donald Trump’s presidential directive has submitted her letter of resignation. The open border ideologue will be leaving the Department of Homeland Security at the end ...
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Missouri Education Watchdog by Cheri Kiesecker Former US Secretary of Education, John King, now leads The Education Trust. It should come as no surprise that Ed Trust is feverishly tweeting, and tweeting and tweeting –urging people to save John King’s and the US Department of Education’s Rule which asserts more ...
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What are the odds that since Republicans do not really want to repeal Obamacare that they have come up with something far worse? And something that would destroy the citizens’ good will toward President Donald Trump? Americans did not elect President Trump for Obamacare 2.0 fast becoming known ...
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We’ve always known there was a corporate solution to Obamacare and a people’s solution. Today an outline of the corporate solution is on the table. And it has been presented by the people in the Republican Party who would see things the corporatist’s way. So we are not surprised, except that ...
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Maxine Waters just implicated Barack Obama in the spying scandal. The media won’t report it that way, but listen to what she says. Oops.. Maxine Waters accidently throws Obama under the bus, implicates him in spying scandal. RT this until your fingers fall off😏#Vault7 — Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) March ...
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While the CIA has been focused on their war to undermine and destroy President Donald Trump, one of its own or someone nearby was providing documents to Wikileaks for publication. Release name: Vault7 Part 1: “Year Zero” which contains 8,761 documents was released Tuesday morning on Twitter describes ...
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Mao touted ‘diversity and inclusion,’ too: ‘Let a hundred flowers bloom.’ Chinese students denounced the prospective speaker at UC San Diego and even went to the Chinese consulate to find out what they could do to stop the man coming who represented an affront to “diversity and inclusiveness”. ...
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I think there is a general misconception of just what assimilation means to the ideal of “to be American”. To understand American exceptionalism you must first realize that it was created by the American people, not scholars, nor political theoreticians. It is a product of common sense as applied ...
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They are called the second Supreme Court. There is no oversight, they go unchecked, have vast powers, and rarely turn down a request. Their appeals court is made up solely of Clinton appointees. Former president Obama greatly expanded the powers of the court. The United States Foreign Intelligence ...
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