President Trump was embarrassed today but there was nothing new except for Jim Comey’s illegal leaking.
Trump did not obstruct justice but Comey is likely in trouble for leaking. At least Jay Sekulow and Bill O’Reilly think that was the big news made today.
Alan Dershowitz said there was no obstruction of justice, there was no crime. That was obvious during Thursday’s testimony as was the fact that there is no Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Jim Comey made a serious mistake that will cause him some difficulties.
Bill O’Reilly spoke about the Comey testimony during his premium members podcast this evening. He believes Comey is in big trouble for leaking his memo. Jay Sekulow said the same thing on Hannity’s radio show this afternoon. You can’t just leak, Sekulow said, though Comey seems to think what he did was fine. What Comey did was give his confidential memos memorializing conversations between the President and him to a Columbia professor to leak to the NY Times.
Jay Sekulow said: Fired FBI Director Comey just admitted under oath that he had a privileged memo leaked to the media. He testified that he did so to manipulate the situation and force the appointment of a Special Counsel. It’s clear Comey is part of the Resistance. He is intentionally undermining the President. He is a leaker[…]
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