Never forget. Freedom is not free.
Partnering with Eagles by Prof. X
Speculation? Second guessing? Accusations of Trump being a neocon, a warmonger? Even some daring to compare him to Hitler? Take a hard look at the cost of freedom. 10,000 of our own were lost at Normandy. We fought to annihilate a dire threat, to prevent it from ever being posed again. To decisively end it.
We didn’t fight to satisfy a “status quo”, to “win hearts and minds”, or be culturally correct. Our troops were not hamstrung by fallacious, self destructive “rules of engagement”.
If we retained that mindset, and not cow towed to the U.N. in 1950, Korea would have been made a free country. That “police action” cost us 33,600 killed in action[…]
*Image: A gun crew checks their equipment near the Kum River. 15 July 1950. Korea. Signal Corps Photo #24/SIG-FEC-50-4242 Source: Wikipedia, Korean War Photos of 1950, U. S. Army Center of Military Service.
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