Muslims Attack Christmas, Europeans Abolish It

Muslims Attack Christmas, Europeans Abolish It

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem

Jihadists are winning the war against Christmas in Europe as proven by Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, France’s Minister of Education announced a few days ago that rather than risk inflaming Muslim sensibilities by saying “Merry Christmas,” Christian state officials should instead for the second time in 100 years of Europe’s history adopt a  policy of appeasement and say “Happy Holidays.” [Note:  It didn’t work the first time around either.]

Creeping Sharia

We fixed the title.

Source: Islamists Attack Christmas, but Europeans Abolish It

by Giulio Meotti

“Everything is Christian”, Jean-Paul Sartre wrote after the war. Two thousand years of Christianity have left a deep mark on the French language, landscape and culture. But not according to France’s Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem. She just announced that instead of saying “Merry Christmas”, state officials should use “Happy Holidays” — clearly a deliberate intent to erase from discourse and the public space any reference to the Christian culture in which France is rooted.

Jean-François Chemain called it the “eradication of any Christian sign in the public landscape”. A year ago, the controversy was ignited in the French town of Ploermel, where a court decided that the statue of Pope John Paul II, erected in a square, had to be removed for violating “secularism”[…]

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Translation: “Good holiday to all the students and staff of the . I wish you a nice holiday 🎄”

This advocate for appeasement is ignorant to the fact that Muslims would slaughter every kitten in the basket of the tweeted video without blinking an eye.