It’s official; the year 2015 has been written and is forever recorded in the annals of time. During 2015 there were many good things and many bad things that have taken place. Most seem to focus on the bad because it seems the bad things have had significant impacts on those concerned. The bad is rehearsed over and over in the minds of the hurting causing feelings of depression, weariness and hopelessness. This is going on even while there are a number of good things that have also taken place.
It is true that the hurts and disappointments of life have lingering effects. Consider, for instance, the loss of a job. The impacts of such a loss are reciprocal. Or, perhaps, jobs applied for were met with the resounding sound of “no” despite being well qualified. It could also be that present jobs just do not suffice. And, the matter of the work force is not the only matter of concern. What about those of us who have lost loved ones through death? What about that unwanted and undeserved divorce? The list of hurts and disappointments goes on and on causing melancholy to be the order of the day. But, don’t despair. Don’t give in and don’t you dare quit.
It is common for people to look to new years as the beginning of new things in their lives. Often new ventures are sought[…]
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