What You Thought I Went Away… by JCscuba
Celebrity, a wonderful term for those of the self-anointed.
With the exception of two in the video below, the reader would likely not know their names or give them notice when they saw them walking down the street.
For the most part, they are ” B-C List,” wannabe prima donnas who have one serious connection, Botox !
Sadly for them and those who believe in Botox, it has gotten into their brains. (Source)
See Martin Sheen, the anti-American in the Video Below.
Just think, if the electors change their votes, they will “Earn the Respect of these phonies.”
I do believe that Hollywood elitists have long worn their welcome out, at least among those who us who have figured them out.
Every face in these propaganda videos have sold their souls for membership among the global elites. Through their lip service, they pay the piper. Who gives these COWARDS, puppets of the elites, the right to ordain who is a hero and who is not?